And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Small Stuff

Make-up. Beauty Tips.
A Southern woman's territory, don't ya think?

Southern women pride themselves in looking amazing, always. You will never see them go to the grocery store in anything less than full make-up and ensemble. I, on the other hand, enjoy my own personal lazy style which consists of sweats and minimal make-up. (Dance also contributes to this "casual" wear, if you will, since the dance world has its own entire style and trends. I will probably have a post about that!)

The beauty tips I've learned are so seemingly small and yet help so much. Here are a few I have remembered all my life since I was taught by the woman who raised me:

-Never wash your hair in hot water. Use cool water. Cool water creates an amazing shine and keeps hair fine and untangled.

-Don't be afraid to moisturize. Even if you have acne! I have struggled with acne my entire life, but it will not hurt your acne and you have to moisturize to ensure that you won't have wrinkles later.

-Don't pump your mascara (the in and out motion). It pumps air into the tube and makes the mascara dry up more rapidly. Do a circular motion while the applicator is still inserted in the tube. (P.s. mascara should be thrown away every 2 months for risk of bacteria build up and dry-out!)

-What do Chapstick and conditioner have in common? Addiction. Your hair or lips can become dependent on items like these (as well as moisturizer) and your body will stop producing the natural oils on your scalp and lips when you use these products too much. Sounds great until your lips are instantly chapped without using Chapstick every few minutes and your scalp is dry and cracked every day. Use these products enough, but sparingly!

-Southern women don't want wrinkles. What am I saying? NO woman wants wrinkles. If you are like me, and struggled with acne your whole life (oily skin), you are actually in luck because oily skin prevents wrinkles! However, everyone should use under eye cream (even if you are young) to prevent wrinkles, bagginess, and puffiness. This tip is something my step mother always told me, and I was just reminded about it this week by my friend that works for Artistry! How dare I forget, right?
Well, you should apply under eye cream with your ring finger (since this finger applies the least amount of pressure on your eye's thin skin) and you should spread the cream in the direction from the outside of your eye toward the center of your face.

-Don't sleep in your make-up! It can really upset your skin causing acne, clogged pores, unevenness, and other nasty stuff! Also, lingering eye make-up can cause build up on your lashes, scratches on your lenses, and even staph infection...GROSS! So make sure to take the time after your long night to remove your glamorous make-up.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter Blues

Seasonal Affective Disorder...don't succumb to this SADness with your wardrobe, too!

Mix up your ordinary sweaters and jackets with a vest or a bright coat. Because boots are also all the rage, they can spice up your bulky winter wear as well.

Some small tips:
-If you are wearing a chunky sweater (thick material), match it with a thin belt to define your figure.
-If wearing a thin sweater, wear a chunkier belt.
-If you are shorter or thicker (like yours truly), make sure your sweaters/coats to not go past your knees. You want to create the illusion that you a longer, and this cuts off your extension!
-If you are taller and slender you can pull off pea coats, sweaters, or cardigans that are longer.
-Thigh high boots are all the rage, but again, create a long illusion by wearing a shorter blouse/sweater while rocking this over-the-knee boot trend.
-I don't advise fake tanning, but sunlight gives you Vitamin D that can make you happy! But, if you are like me and don't want to subject yourself to a tanning bed, then just get some exercise to get some extra endorphins!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Headbands, Flowers, and Bows...Oh my!

Femininity is a glorious thing. Living in the south, there is an even greater influence on being fiercely "womanly."

No matter what you say about bows and flowers, that "they are for little kids" or "that's stupid" or whatever it is, I will always choose to disagree. Adding a hair piece is one of the simplest ways to feminize your outfit and embrace your girly side! Even you tom boys can appreciate being girly every once in a while.

At sporting events!

Eating Ramen?

Forth of July!

At work


*the last is my gorgeous best friend Meagan and a very retro hair clip and veil. Classic!

And JUST to reaffirm that my beliefs are not biased, here are some classic celebrities rocking this undeniable style:

And, lastly, the exquisite, the infamous, the fashion icon: Carrie Bradshaw

Here is a cool way to display AND store your bows and flowers! I have mine on two cute ribbons on my bathroom wall:

Sweetly Southern

My mouth sometimes gets me into trouble. I'm not of those short, self- proclaimed feisty girls that gets into trouble with my mouth combined with my opinions. And typically, if I spoke to quickly and denied utilizing that filter nonsense, I immediately regret my comment or have an afterthought that it wasn't a lady-like comment. AKA "that's not something a proper southern woman would say!"

Southern hospitality does indeed exist. Although the hospitality may not be genuine, ladies and gentlemen pride themselves in being civil and witty without ever losing their temper. Always assisting, smiling, comforting. I've decided it stems from our upbringing with emphasis on Christianity and the morality involved in a Christian lifestyle.

Here are some situations where my initial thoughts are different than what I proceed to do because the thought of a "proper lady" alters my course of action.

For example,
A friend gets something (dirt, a fly, whatever) in her drink. My first reaction is "Alright, go get yourself another drink." But, alas, a southern belle must cater to her guests with a bright smile and apologize for the mishap.

A car cuts me off, nearly hitting my car on the highway. Human reaction: What a @$$hole! I should flip him off.." SUPER human belle reaction: "Utter mistake, must have something on their mind and not have seen me. Hope they are okay."

My roommate suggests a cake made from a box. Being raised with a four course home-cooked meal every night growing up by the woman who raised me, I am half way appalled at the idea. "Why wouldn't we just make it from scratch? We have all the ingredients and it will taste so much better." Not a normal thought for the modern American woman.

It seems like efficiency and personal benefit have overridden the basic principals of assisting others and always being kind to all. As much as I am a believer in a progressive society and options for women not to be "barefoot and pregnant," I do also cling to my upbringing and the characteristics instilled in me to be a loving, compassionate, feminine Christian with a purpose entirely to "love, hope, and forgive" as my dad always told me.

To combining tradition with progression... <3

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wrap it up!

I am a firm believer in scarves for every outfit. Every occasion, every season, every style.

Of course scarves are wonderfully perfect for the winter cold, but here are some other fun ways to wear scarves!

 Casual, loosely tied by your chest (mine)
Add a pop of color with your scarf! Make it an accent/accessory.

 Tied in a knot

 Dressy, folded in half and pulled through loop

 Festive! Sequin scarves left untied

Classically wrapped once and even on both ends

 Casual! Square scarves (last two photos)
Terrible library picture, but Shannon and I happened to be wearing similar scarves one day on campus!
*Square scarves can be folded into a triangle and wrapped around the back

With an adorable sun dress!
Even in January, because, let's face it, Texas whether is WHACKY!

On a run in your sweats. Yes, indeed. 
I told you scarves go with everything!

Resolution! Right?

"Stop being deceived; God is not to be ridiculed. Whatever one reaps he will also sow." -Galatians 6:7 
Get fit. Spend more time with friends and family. Quit a vice. Read the bible every day. Donate.
Sound familiar around every January 1st? 

Why is it that we struggle to maintain our New Years Resolutions?

Well, we make our resolutions so unrealistic and demanding!  We are all looking for some shortcut, a silver bullet to lead us to the success of our goal. The problem persists in passivity and improbable expectations. For example, we cannot expect to go from never exercising to hitting the gym two hours per day. Completely unrealistic. Not to mention impractical.

Obedience matters today. Set an obtainable goal for yourself, challenging yet accessible. Then, fight passivity on the threshold before it causes your progress to become idle.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy Holidays!

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." -Isiah 9:6
Oh, my favorite time of the year! Christmas time and winter break: a time for family, friends, fireplaces, and love.  And did I mention a time to look cute? Let's face it, all of us go back to our respective home towns and, whether consciously or subconsciously, want to impress our high school friends, our exes, or our "frenemies," perhaps? 
WELL, here are some holiday styles I'm loving lately and they are sure to impress:

  • Sweaters paired with dresses
  • Nearly knee-high boots with vibrant knee high socks
    • Who says black and brown don't mix?! Black tights with caramel boots is a precious look
  • Blazers
  • Anything with sequin 
    • Hello, new year!
(Aren't these girls adorable? My favorite gals to babysit!)

 -Sweater over a cotton dress, belted
-Bright knee-high socks add a pop of color (and compliment the same colored earrings)

 Again, but this time the sweater is a boyish sweater over a turtleneck dress and tights.
Perfect for a casual hangout with friends over the holidays!

-Caramel colored boots with black tights
*high-waisted skirts are one of my all time favorite looks for anyone, but especially for shorter, smaller framed girls. It grants your legs length and accentuates your waist.

-And hey, a little bit of festivity (with the Santa hat) never hurt either. Ho ho ho!

P.s. if any of you are styling on a budget, this outfit costs:
Red Ruffle Top (Miley Cyrus, Wal-mart): $12
Gold and Ivory skirt (Charlotte Russe): $20
Tights (Target): $5
Can't beat those prices!

[The boots were a gift and definitely a splurge. 
They are Jessica Simpson and were on sale for about $140 at Macy's. 
I'm blessed to have such an awesome grandma!]


 Sequin AND a blazer. Perfection :)

Black is typical on New Years. Sequin is typical on New Years. Both are precious! However, mixing it up with a color, blazer, or some drastic variation makes you stand out (see, you definitely notice the beautiful girl on the left)!

And lastly...some party hats and enthusiasm to ring in the new year! :)